Top quality bike, excellent service and good old honest advice
As these bikes are a passion with us not just a job, its fantastic when we get some feedback that reflects this. Below is the response received from our most recent customer.....

Having owned and raced a 1982 Husqvarna CR430 during '83 & '84 in the AMCA South East Midlands area, air cooled, twin shock, drum braked Huskys have always been special to me. When I decided to look for a motocross bike, i wasn't interested in a modern bike, it had to be an old Husky. After doing some research, I came across Ol' Blue, an amazing bike built by Lee Perry at Husqvarnaman, so got in touch. Whilst 'Ol Blue is a four stroke, I was after an open class two stroke, so spoke to Lee to see what he had. Fortunately, Lee was in the process of rebuilding a 1984 CR500. We had a good chat and I was really interested. Lee offered to send me some photos of the bike being build, and sure enough he emailed me the stage by stage pictures from the bare frame to the completed bike. After a few more conversations I asked if I could go and see the bike ..... and that was it, I had to have it, and the deal was done!! Lee had produced a completely refurbished classic motocross bike that looked virtually as new. From the white powder coated frame to the rebuilt wheels to the refreshed engine - all top quality. Whilst meeting Lee and viewing the bike, it was obvious that he has a passion for old Huskys and he showed me his own 510, Ol' Blue and Billy Grossi's works CR500 - all superb bikes looking as if they came out of the showroom yesterday as new bikes. He also had other bikes at various stages of refurbishment. I collected the bike about a week later and yet again, Lee exceeded my expectations as he not only dropped out the forks for me to remove the gators and fit some new boots, he had also fitted a new chain as he wasn't happy with the previous one fitted. He made sure the bike was secure on the trailer and sent me on my way. Being someone who is happy to undertake only basic maintenance, it's comforting knowing I can always call Lee for advice or pop the bike back down to him for more extensive work, if required. I felt compelled to write this "review" on Hunsqvarnaman and my CR500 as I have been so very impressed and would encourage other scramblers / motocrossers to contact Lee to talk old Huskys. Lee - many thanks for your top quality bike, excellent service and good old honest advice and information. It's very much appreciated.

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